Tuesday 10 September 2019

Freedom & Order

Which is more important in order for a society to succeed - individual freedom or societal order?  Can you think of times that freedom is important to have and a time when order is important?  How can an organization or society determine the balance?

Image result for balance scale drawing


  1. It is important in society to have a balance of both freedom and order, too much of either will lead to chaos. Freedom is necessary in your personal life to give you the ability to make your own decisions but order is just as crucial when it comes to the rules and laws that keep everyone safe. Society can determine this balance by studying history and observing what worked and what did not. Martina Mckee

  2. 1. I think individual freedom is slightly more important. 2. freedom could be important during a war, order could be important during a revolution or a country breakdown.3. Make rules but think in favor of the citizen to make them satisfied and proud of their government and country.

  3. I think that in order for a society to succeed it needs more societal order than individual freedom. Freedom is sometimes important in a society for example when citizens are voting they need individual freedom to make the votes true and not have somebody else choosing who they vote for. However order is more important in a society so that the society can run smoothly, for example if we didn't have a Prime Minister and all the people underneath the Prime Minister to make decisions for our country, the country would be ciaos because everybody would be making there own decisions. If everybody follows the rules of the government which are put in place for our safety the balance of both freedom and order should stay stable.- Erin Kobelka

  4. i think that we should have some freedom just so we don't feel like we are being controlled by people but we should also have some order so people cant do whatever they want. i think we should have more freedom than order.

  5. i think that individual freedom is more important to have a successful society then order. freedom is important in sports when your playing game and need to make a split decision. order is more important in a government or classroom setting. a organization or society can determine balance by comprising and making decisions together both expressing there opinions. Mary Matthews

  6. Xan Burnard| Order is more important for a society to succeed because every individual needs to do their part to keep it sustained. Freedom is more important then order when people are living their private life because people need freedom to be happy and people will only work If they are happy. Order is important during emergencies because if first responders don't follow the orders they could kill someone.

  7. There needs to be freedom and order, but more order. I think we need order so people don't get away with stealing or killing. Society needs freedom to because, if you are not happy with something you have the right to leave.

  8. in a society you need an equal balance of freedom and order, one time freedom would be more important would be during art, everyone should have the freedom to consider whatever they want as art, and one time when order is more important would be while getting arrested or dealing with things that are serious and could have life long terms in your life, society could try and determine a balance by having a conversation, making rules and laws and taking everyone's opinion into consideration. HP

  9. I think for a society to succeed there needs to be a mix of both freedom and order but more order because without any order, people wont keep the responsibilities that are needed to succeed such as work and school. It would be a free for all which could result badly depending on everyone's intentions.

  10. i think that individual freedom is more important than societal order. freedom is important when it comes to things like religion or art because these things make people happy and it only affects the people that choose to be a part of it like church members or painters. Order can also be very important for things that affect everyone like laws. if people could decide what laws they wanted to follow it would cause ciaos. Organizations and society can agree on a balance by assuring that the people who have power are willing to compromise so everyone is happy.

  11. I think both are equally very important when it comes to having a successful society. I think freedom is very important when it comes to peoples personal lives and where they want to work or live. As well as their daily routines. This is important so people can choose a lifestyle that they are happy with even with so they agree with the rules that are in place. I think order is important when it comes to things such as traffic and when people go to work so that everything doesn't go into chaos. Organizations need to find a balance between the two so that when it comes to running our society with rules it allows everyone to have a voice about the rules that are in place. A balance is in something such as sports because you have to follow rules and listen to your coach but you can also make your own decisions on the spot that make you unique and different from others. The balance is the best way to make everyone have some freedom but with order. This way people who like freedom have it and those who like order and structure also have that to as long as there is a balance between the two.

  12. I think both are equally very important when it comes to having a successful society. I think freedom is very important when it comes to peoples personal lives and where they want to work or live. As well as their daily routines. This is important so people can choose a lifestyle that they are happy with even with so they agree with the rules that are in place. I think order is important when it comes to things such as traffic and when people go to work so that everything doesn't go into chaos. Organizations need to find a balance between the two so that when it comes to running our society with rules it allows everyone to have a voice about the rules that are in place. A balance is in something such as sports because you have to follow rules and listen to your coach but you can also make your own decisions on the spot that make you unique and different from others. The balance is the best way to make everyone have some freedom but with order. This way people who like freedom have it and those who like order and structure also have that to as long as there is a balance between the two.-KM

  13. i think for society to succeed in my opinion we need societal order compared to individual freedom. even though there is a chance that there is more order then freedom in the society that people will rebel but i think we need to take this chance.we also do need freedom for things like voting is very important because if we didn't have freedom to vote are society would crumble into pieces right in front of are eyes.So saying this i do think we need freedom. secondly,we need order cause with out any order or rules that are being in forced lots of things would go very wrong people would do terrible things. so my conclusion is that to have a complete balance and they society that determines this is the government. BF

  14. Christian Johnston order more is more important then freedom I think. freedom is when your walking down the street and get coffee or playing with your friend or family, order is when your being told how to do your job. by doing both at the same time

  15. Q: Which is more important in order for a society to succeed - individual freedom or societal order? Can you think of times that freedom is important to have and a time when order is important? How can an organization or society determine the balance?
    A: For society to succeed, it is of great importance for the balance of freedom and order to exist. However, for a society to advance its great pursuit of knowledge and education, it is of paramount importance where a society emphasizes a great deal of freedom while maintaining order.Simply, I present the case that freedom is of greater importance than order when it comes to building the foundations of a successful society. The truth is, one often does not discover the foundations of tomorrow in an orderly
    environment. Innovation is the result of creativity. Freedom is the essential essence of creativity. In an orderly environment, freedom is either imposed upon others or completely taken away. Both of these are undesirable outcomes as people who are forced to think wont think well and those who cant, wont. However this is not to be taken as an argument for complete anarchy which has its own set of problems. In a disorderly society where freedom is taken to the extreme, there would be nothing but trouble. There are countless reasons to maintain laws but all stem from the idea that the collective good is more important than the good of the few. In a human society, greed, vengence, anger and fear will always exist. And that will never change. Because we never change. Alloing for total frredom would give people too much power to handle. Our world would be unsafe and even our own extinction. Inevitable. Order must be maintained for the sake of everyones good. However, there must always be freedom of thought, Speech, and self expression. We must not chose tyranny, and not anarchy, but rather a sensible middle ground. There are countless examples of when freedom is an important in everyday society. One often underrated example of this is in the business sector. I believe businesses should have the freedom of choice as to how they conduct business and must be relieved of the agony of high taxes which only kill growth. One example of the impotance of order is when it comes to the military. The military plays the role of serving and protectng ones country. In a military setting, order is important to ensure the successful operation of missions. Insubordination should not be tolerated. Society must discover this reasonable middle ground through experimentation and open conversation. A democratic system of government is a great assistance to achieving this as it is a system where open and honest conversation is encouraged. Although democracy isn't perfect, its the best chance we have. "No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms we have tried from time to time" - Winston Churchill
    Arian Behnami

  16. too much order people would not have enough of what they want. too much freedom people would have too much power, and nothing would be controlled

  17. too much order people would not have enough of what they want. too much freedom people would have too much power, and nothing would be controlled.pd

  18. i think there should be 55% Order and 45% freedom i think there should be more order than freedom
