Friday 22 September 2017

Modern Revolution

We have talked about the difference between Evolutionary Change and Revolutionary Change.  Evolutionary is slow and gradual whereas Revolutionary is quick and complete.  Look around the news.  Can you see any revolutionary changes happening?  These can be political, physical, economical, natural... State what is the event and why you believe it is revolutionary.

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  1. the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world is very controversial with his uneducated opinions and not having any political background and if he continues on the way he is anything from ww3 to assassination but there is a big change coming soon ~seth

  2. After 9/11 airport security got really amped. You need extra identification, anything you bring on board needs to be scanned, and your not allowed to bring large amounts of liquid including but not limited to alcohol (Glug Glug.) It was awesome but also not.
    - Nathan Schmidt

  3. a recent natural revolutionary change was Hurricane Harvey, this was a massive change that has forced people to rebuild their homes and businesses. It has been a very drastic change that has caused people to completely change the way they live their lives and run their businesses.

  4. A revolution that has occurred in modern day is the relationship between Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump putting a barrier between America and Korea. Foolish actions of Trump has put America at risk of bombings and possible war by angering the powerful leader of Korea. R.M.

  5. A revolutionary change occuring today would be that between the leader of North Korea and the leader of the Free World Donald Trump. constant threats between the two countries have resulted in terrified people and other countries anticipating war. This is a revolutionary change as the quick disagreements bewteen the two has resulted in divide and if war occurs that will also be a very dramatic and violent revolutionary change. abby

  6. In Russia on Oct. 7 mass protest were held in multiple Russian cities including Moscow. These protesters were fighting for a fair election and for Russia's jailed opposition leader to be able to run in the upcoming election(which Vladimir Putin will win again). Putin's Government is still incredibly strong and Russia will probably not see these changes for as long as it's glorious leader is still in power however Russia's political history is full of Revolutions and unrest.
    -EMMA H K

  7. A revolutionary change in this in day will be between Donald Trump and Kim Jung Un. The conflicts betwwen them has been very scary. Kim Jung Un has been sending missiles and threatnieng people. Its a revolutionary because it was very quick on their decisions. And the natural disasters that is happening around united states has been a very drastic change. Amy Kim

  8. recently in Spain, one of Its states has been fighting and voting to get independence and become their own country. a recent poll came up in Catalonia to see if people would like to leave Spain. There was outrage on the streets as the Spanish government was told to sabotage the polls and to stop people from voting. And so if Catalonia's independence can turn out successful it will be a revolutionary change. -LandonN

  9. A revolutionary change happening today would be violent protests happening in Kiev with about 100,000 people taking to the streets in Ukraine's capital over the country's new restrictions on protesting. which is kind of ironic. this is a revolutionary thing because the same thing happened during the french revolution when the people of france started protesting.

  10. a revolutionary change is is between the us and north korea threating each other making people scared and prepareing for war henry m

  11. an example of revolutionary chang is when trump was declarinmg all the "great" acts he was going to do once he became president this started to snowball and over a small amount of time he got most of the US rooting for him. once elected president he startd to slow things down and instead of doing all these miraculous things he talked about doing during his election, he began to realize how tough a job it is to be president but yet overtime in an evolutionary way he still is making changes. - Piper

  12. in the states and canada marijuana is being legalized. in some states its has already been leagalized. in summer of 2018 canada will be leaglizing mariguana. its going to change alot of peaples daily lives and maby othere countrys will follow and do the samething. by wyatt

  13. After the rise of agriculture, powerful civilizations such as the Persians, Romans, and Mongols exploited and developed long-distance trade routes to expand their regional influence. New transportation and navigational technologies would later connect all world zones, ushering in greater global exchange, commerce, and collective learning. Humans gained control over much of the Earth. m.v
