Thursday 12 October 2017

Freedom and Order

At the beginning of the unit we discussed the difference between freedom and order and how extremes of these will cause chaos.  From what we have studied so far in the French Revolution, please find an example of each of these. 

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  1. the king had complete controll then the people revolted and killed the king henry m

  2. An example of extreme order in the French Revolution would be even before the Revolution started when the 1st and 2nd estates had complete control over the 3rd estate. An example of extreme freedom would be after the Revolution had begun and multiple groups were fighting for control over France which had no set ruler which led to bloodletting.
    -EMMA H K

  3. Am example of order, but in complete chaos, was Napoleon's rule over the French people. He controlled everything the French had and when the time came even took away somethings, like when he cut off trade with Britain. An example of complete freedom, in chaos, would be when the people of France had their freedom and they had just executed the king. The people had the first and second estates executed and there was a lot of bloodshed for their freedom.Another would be when Maximillian Robespierre started killing people who he believed apposed the new french government. if it was not the way he wanted it or if people disagreed, he had them executed.

  4. An example of complete freedom that occurred in the french revolution is Maximilian Robespierre, who led the reign of terror and executed many people. an example of complete order would be the poor population having to do everything the king said without question. this was a major factor in the start of the revolution where the commoners came together and overthrew the king and kicked him out and killed many many people.

  5. when the king had complete power over his people in france and they revolted by storming the Bastelle they killed the gaurds and took the weapons and continued the revoltion this was the result of the king having to much power and treating the people unfairly but once they killed off the first and second estates their government went to crap because they smaller groups amounst the 3rd estate all wanted the power over france so they were fighting each inside of france as well as fighting Austria and Prussia and later other countries as well so that was the result of to much power and no consqences for thier actions so the France was Chaotic until napolian came into power and even that didnt end well for him either so there need to be a balence of power between the government and people or it wont work out for long we need order and freedom united

  6. an example of complete order in the french revelution is the revolutionarys after the overthrowing of the royal family and were chopping off peoples heads other wise know as the rean of terror a example of complete order was when the king was in charge which caused everyone revolted

  7. An example of extreme chaotic order would be during the time Napoleon ruled. Napoleon appointed himself power taking away the peoples right to vote and from there under his extreme order he attempted to take over major powferul European countries which resulted in the death of an estimated 400 000 soldiers and eventually got him exiled. An example of chaotic freedom was that of the Reign of Terror; with no strong leader appointed it resulted in needless violence and deaths. From this freedom a ruler arise who wasn't rightly qualified for the job which only resulted in more killings.-Abby

  8. an example of complete order is when that Maximillian guy was in charged and he started cutting off peoples heads left and right and im pretty sure in one year he killed around 2,000 people if not more. An example of freedom is when they stormed the bastille, but even after Radicals still wanted a rupublic which led to many violent acts. -NS

  9. One example of Order turning into chaos was Napolean. He had complete control over continental Europe because he took away freedom of vote and selection of rulers by appointing himself. He got super power hungry and went into wars with no strategies or aware or the landscape and ended up losing about 400,000 men. One example of Freedom was the storming of the Bastille when people of paris beheaded the main guard in attempt to free in what the thought to be thousands of wrongly imprisoned people but ended up only saving the 7 prisoners in there but ended up being a symbol of the start of the revolution. R.M.

  10. One example of complete order was the committee of Public saftey. This was where one person had complete control and abused it by killing thousands of people, thus creating chaos.

    One example of complete freedom was just after the monarchy was abolished and before Napolean came into power. The people had no one leading them and therefore chaos ensued in the streets as everyone was doing anything they wanted to do and they were all vying to have control over the country.

  11. One of the example that when a person has a full control, it goes to a chaos is Napoleon. He wanted to bring down Britian but never could and people were starving in his country. He did not fully understand the wheather about Russia and thought he would bring down Russia quickly and go back to France, but instead he failed. Reign of terror was one of the example of freedon. The higher poeple just let some do thier own thing and it ended up killing a lot of people. Maximillian Robespierre led this terror, howwver this ended when he got killied as well. So complete freedom and oreder is not the best way to rule people. Amy Kim

  12. during the french revolution, there was order and there was freedom, both had their chaotic moments. during the time under napoleans reign he had order but it was very chaotic as he tried to take power for himself, and he didnt care if his men died or not. an example of chaos under freedom is the time of thr reign of terror where the people took control of Paris and executed the king and queen, other people accused of treason and were executed, and large amounts of people were killed and other people were scared to speakout as they feared they would suffer the same fate. -Landon

  13. an example of complete freedom is like when Maximilian Robespierre had started the reign of terror and he was executing people just because they would say something bad about the country. no one would do anything to stop him so he had complete freedom and it turned into chaos.
    an example of complete order is when napoleon came into power and replaced all the chaos of freedom and turned it into order and people started to like the change which started to to create complete control for Napoleon and he could practically do whatever he wanted which later turned into chaos when he sent out around 500,000 men to fight in Russia but wasn't prepared and lost almost all his men. -piper

  14. the city was controlled by the king he tried to abolish remove the taille after he was executed all his power was lost henry t

  15. king louis the 16 had controll over the city and he tried to abolish serfdom and removed the taille and increased tolerance toward non-Catholics

  16. the city was controlled by the king he tried to abolish remove the taille after he was executed all his power was lost Henry m

  17. the king had complete power over his people in france and they revolted by storming the Bastelle they killed the gaurds and took the weapons and continued the revoltion this was the result of the king having to much power and treating the people unfairly etc henry m

  18. the king had complete control over taxes witch was a big part in causing the revolution a example of complete freedom is the reign of terrors were they went around chopping off peoples heads

  19. the king had complete control over taxes witch was a big part in causing the revolution a example of complete freedom is the reign of terrors were they went around chopping off peoples heads

  20. king louis XV1 had complete controll on his people and his people revolted by breaking in the bastelle and killed guards and took weapons and continued the revoltion and that was a result of the king treating his people unfairly and to much power.

  21. king louis XV1 had complete controll on his people and his people revolted by breaking in the bastelle and killed guards and took weapons and continued the revoltion and that was a result of the king treating his people unfairly and to much power.

  22. king louis XV1 had complete controll on his people and his people revolted by breaking in the bastelle and killed guards and took weapons and continued the revoltion and that was a result of the king treating his people unfairly and to much power.
