As we studied this past week, people who have a left political view like and promote change and those who have a right political view oppose change and prefer tradition. It is fairly obvious how the left and right will have conflict when their fundamental beliefs differ. Sometimes, however, people have conflict even with other people on the same side of the political spectrum...Please either explain how that works OR give an example of conflict within the same side (left vs left or right vs right).

Xan Burnard- There can be a conflict on the same side like the radicals and liberals because the liberals might not like that the radicals are using anything to get their goal and not following the law. Basically their beliefs in the way they do things may be different.
ReplyDeletei don't really like politics, and i don't really know much about it but i think that the people fight about it a lot and they get mad at each other a lot.
ReplyDeletei'm not the one for political conflict or know much about it but this makes my want to know a bit more
ReplyDeleteI don't know anything about political, but i think liberals would fight with the radicals because;if you want change does not mean you want the same change
ReplyDeleteThey may like to change things differently, say one of the reactionaries wanted to revert back to mideval ways and another only wanted to revert to common era they will disagree. So they may believe about the same things but go about it differently causing conflict./
ReplyDeleteextreme left and extreme right are both going for the the same thing, change, but both sides use different means to achieve what they want. radicals will go out of there way, even illegally to get what they are fighting for. reactionary will use legal and just ways to achieve there political goal of making parliament better
ReplyDeleteGroups of people with similar interests can still have internal conflicts because not everyone will have exactly the same ideas. On the left side of the spectrum there is a difference between the Radicals and the Liberals; Radicals want change instantly at any cost, where the Liberals still want change, but are willing to allow the change to happen over time. When trying to implement change Radicals can become frustrated by the Liberals and their patience and this can cause conflicts. Martina.
ReplyDeleteAlthough the conservatives and reactionaries are both on the right side of the political spectrum they still may clash with one another. This is because the conservatives when they do have to make change they do it very slowly and carefully making the slightest differences. Whereas reactionaries are more revolutionary and the change they want is different. They want to go back in time to the ways of the good old days which the conservatives would not agree with causing a conflict between the two. On the other side, the left side, their may also be disagreement between the two groups. The liberals wants change and reform but using every legal means. The radicals also want change and reform but they want it now and are willing to use violence or illegal means to get the change they want, which could really cause an issue with the liberals who are very into the legal way of things.-KM
ReplyDeleteour pm and people on his team don't always agree with every decision he make and or is going to make, it's the same with lots of teams, hockey, schooling (teaching styles) etc... lots of people wont like some decisions i make or you make, you gotta think what is good for you and your country. -db.
ReplyDeleteConservatives and reactionary's are both on the right side of the spectrum. Both of these types of people want change, however Conservatives want slight change and they want it introduced slowly. Reactionary's want change but not for the future they want to change back to how things used to be and they want it done quickly. The Conservatives and reactionaries might both agree to change something but they might have a conflict when deciding how quickly to make that change. - Erin Kobelka
ReplyDeletepeople on the same side could have conflict with each other because they might not 100% agree with one another all the time. for example conservatives do not want a lot of change and if they have change it will be over a long period of time, they want to keep everything the same. reactionary wants to go back to the good old days and they do not care if how they get that means doing something illegal, this can be a change to what is already going on and conservatives might not like that, and they would try to stop them. HP
ReplyDeleteRadicals and Reactionaries/ Both want change in society but reactionaries want it to be solved in a proper manner as the Radicals want it done in a violent fasion. As we know the liberals want change and that conservatives dont want change. The radicals dont have as many points on there values as the Reactionaries have many more points of value.
ReplyDeletewell people who are on the same side of the spectrum even know it sounds weird that they wouldn't agree but its true. just because your a conservative doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they say or do. because reactionaries will do anything they can to go back to the old days even if its illegal so the conservatives might not agree cause they don't want that much change and if they do they don't want to do it illegally.-bf
ReplyDeleteThere are always conflicts between people of similiar ideologies on the political spectrum. Often, people on the same side can agree on most things however they will often have differences that distinguish them. For example, there are vast differences on the policies of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Peoples Party of Canada. The platform presented by the Conservatives acknowledges the existence of the Human effect on the global climate whereas the PPC believes that humans do not effect climate change. While the Honourable Andrew Scheer, leader of the conservatives has stated he believes that Canada should do something to help lower our effect on the climate, Mr Bernier has called people who take such a stance "mentallt ill". Instead, he believes nothing should be done.
ReplyDelete-Arian Behnami
i think there can be conflict on the same side of the spectrum because for example the liberals an radicals are both on the left and they both want change. the way they want to achieve that change is very different. radicals will go to extreme lengths for change such as violence and liberals would like to accomplish it with peace and legally.
ReplyDeletei think there can be conflict on the same side because everyone has different opinions and idea which can clash with others
ReplyDeleteOn the left side of the spectrum they both want change but with go through different means to get it. For example on the left liberals are in favor of change but go through the law and government to meet there needs. Whereas on the extreme left of the spectrum the radicals are also in favor of change but will go through violent acts to achieve it. This may create conflict between the two groups because the liberals want to be much calmer than the radicals.-Meadow Nordell