There were a number of growing pains that came along with industrialization. Not every country experienced industrialization at the same pace or at all. In Canada, we reap a lot of benefits thanks to the sacrifices of so many people, both in the past and in the present. Is the sacrifice of these people worth all the benefits we receive today?

Xan Burnard- I believe that it is because we have developed technology and medicine that has extended human life greatly, we have developed greater transportation and generally made life better for the human race. the sacrifices compared to what we have and what we will get greatly outweighs the sacrifices we have made.
ReplyDeletehonestly i don't know, i'm on the fence about it, i think it has helped us in many ways, and has benefited everyone but at the same time it was hard labor for those people that went through, the amount of pain those people went though just to give us what we have today. they gave us the opportunities we have today. -db
ReplyDeleteI think that the sacrifices people made were not worth the benefits we have today. We could live life without many of the luxuries we have today.
no because they had to sacrifice their body's for us and they had to go through a lot of pain for us to live a normal life.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that the sacrifice of those people is worth what we have today because we could live without a lot of the things we have today.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the sacrifices that humans as a species were worth it because everything in our lives revolve around the industrial revolution, without it we wouldn't have nice homes, vehicles to drive, planes to fly, or even ways of communicating long distance. Yes there were bad things then and there are bad things now but the without the sacrifices made our world would be very different and very unadvanced.
ReplyDeleteGavin Meikle
i believe that, it is worth it because with the abilities we have from all of the people suffering. we can be vocal and voice our opinions, so we can help to resolve some if not all the current issues. in that area of our world.
I do believe that industrialization was worth the negative side effects because despite the struggles that come with it we owe the world we live in today to the industrial revolution. Without modern medicine and all those things we might not have made it very far. I am very thankful to the people who work so that I can live the way I do and I think that we should use what we have been given to honor the sacrifices that have been and are continuing to be made today.Martina
ReplyDeletei do believe that industrial revaluation was a good thing because i couldn't even imagine what are world would be like with out it. but from a third world perspective i might not believe that it was such a good thing with all the struggles they go through every day with low pay, being verbally and physical abused every day and that's just the beginning of it. so therefore, i'm on the fence with they whole industrial revaluation because with my first world perspective i think it was the best thing to happen but from a third world perspective i don,t think i would agree that it was such a great thing. Brook
ReplyDeletealthough i am grateful for the benefits that we have hear in Canada. i do not believe it is worth having for all of the drawbacks it comes from. we may feel privileged to have what we have but if we never had any of this happen we could live without it because once upon a time people did and could live without the things we have today.-Meadow
ReplyDeleteI am quite on the fence about whether or not the industrialization was worth it or not. I do not agree with the way things were done in order to achieve how industrialized we are. There definitely would have been a way better way to go about things that would have benefited everyone in a much better way that still could've got us to where we are today. What all those people went through was not fair to them and they deserved much better but the sacrifices they made has shaped our world. Regardless they should have not had to make those sacrifices in the first place and if they were given a proper way of life and standard of living we could still have the industrialized world we have today but they wouldn't have to had gone through what they did. The industrialization that needed to happen did but it just wasn't done in a fair way. This is why i am in between on why whether or not it was worth it.-KM
ReplyDeleteI think that the industrial revolution was a good thing in the beginning but humans took it too far making it no longer worth it because we force people to work in unsafe places so we can have stuff we don't always need.
ReplyDeleteNo I think a human life is worth more then anything else. A lot of people died so we can have what we have today. I want more people to live a long, happy life even if that means we don't have all the benefits we have today.
ReplyDeleteparker. i think that the sacrifices that the workers went through was worth it in order to achieve certain laws that we possess today. those people who were forced to work those hours and in the conditions they did created a world for us in he present, a world that has punishment and discipline. of course that excludes a few countries.
ReplyDeleteyes it is because its nice to have things that we have today but it is sad that they had to sacrifice there time energy and bods to give us the things that we use today
ReplyDeletei do not think that it is worth the sacrifice, i believe that there are other ways that we could achieve the ways of life without making people suffer. also over the years there has been things made that we do not really need. i also do not think we need the amounts of things that we have, i feel like it would not be a problem if we lived a simpler life. i think we would be healthier in a way HP
ReplyDeleteQ: There were a number of growing pains that came along with industrialization. Not every country experienced industrialization at the same pace or at all. In Canada, we reap a lot of benefits thanks to the sacrifices of so many people, both in the past and in the present. Is the sacrifice of these people worth all the benefits we receive today?
ReplyDeleteA: Of course it was. Industrialization was the process that has given the world what it needs to thrive. Although many people were crushed by it, many lives destroyed, and even though there were many problems, ultimately, without industrialization we would not have many important aspects of life. For example, without the industrial revolution we wouldn't have modern medicine. This would have killed many times more people and hurt so many more than if the industrial revolution never happened.
- A.B.
Christian J-ya i think it is worth it because if they didn't do all that work we probably wont have what we have today.