Saturday, 23 November 2019

6 Factors

In Friday's notes, there was a list of 6 factors needed in order for a country to become industrialized:  Excess Capital, Stable Government, Labour Force, Entrepreneurs, Natural Resources/Energy Sources, Transportation/Communication.  Will it ever be possible for every country to become industrialized?  Explain your reasons.

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Friday, 15 November 2019


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What can a country's farming practice say about a country?  When you hear that farming is the backbone of a country, what does that mean?

Image result for farming images

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Intro to Industrial Revolution

I stated to the class that I believe the Industrial Revolution likely had the greatest impact on us, physically at least.  We talked about things we take for granted in Canada today then we read a brief synopsis about life in the 1700s Britain.  What are 2 things you are grateful have changed over the past 3 centuries?